Sustainability “Made in Asia” – Challenges, Trends and Opportunities

Rostock, 14–16 September, 2023

In addition to the call for papers, the call for panels is also still open. However, this only applies to full panel proposals which already include the names panel of presenters and titles of papers (up to four). Proposals for panels based on roundtable discussions are also welcome.

My panel proposal:

My panel proposal for the DGA conference in September 2023:

Anything else we need to know?
By submitting my registration I authorise the German Association for Asian Studies (DGA) and the conference organisers to store, process and publish my personal data collected in the above registration form for the purpose of preparing, organising and documenting the German Association for Asian Studies’ (DGA) biennial Conference on Contemporary Asia 2023 (“the conference”) and as far as necessary for the fulfilment of the statuary purpose of the association (§ 2 DGA statutes).
At the same time I agree that my participation in the conference may be recorded audio-visually and that this material may be published within the context of reporting on the conference in printed materials as well as online.
The DGA and the conference organisers will store and process all personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.